
A san's table on New Year day



This is the table on New Year holidays at A san’s house.


A san is one of ChaCha members. She talked about her new year holiday’s and showed us this photo. She is a housewife of a big family. Every year she welcomes 10 relatives and she cooks a lot of food for 15 persons including her family.


 On December 30, she makes Mochi (rice cakes) in the morning and cooks Sukiyaki for dinner. On December 31, she cooks Osechi food ( New Year Special food )in the morning and Kanishabu for dinner and Toshikoshi soba (year end soba noodle) at night. On January 1st, she cooks Zouni in the morning and has a party in the afternoon. So this is the photo of the party.


It is very gorgeous. We can imagine everybody enjoyed her cooking. She has done it since she got married and started living with her husband and parents in law. It means she has done it for more than 30 years. She is wondeful.


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